So, the timber capital of America recently flooded. All of Douglas county was affected to some level; I was lucky enough that my town just got some snow and a power outage.
But, anyways, I wanted to talk about a couple recent trips I took the the 'Burg.
Trip One
On the first trip, I went to a nice little market downtown (Cass Street Market, or whatever it's called) and got myself a salmon bagel with some caviar. Man, that was tasty. The purpose of this trip was to get my hard drive repaired so I could play some video games, as well as to go to a psych appointment. I did end up getting the hard drive repaired, but didn't make it to the appointment; the repair was a lot cheaper than I thought it would be, so I had some cash left over and figured I'd burn a hole in my pocket. So, I walked to the mini-mart near my old house, which is the only store that doesn't ID me (I'm 24 but I still get ID'd everywhere I go), and bought a couple lagers, some chardonay, and a pack of smokes, and decided to make a day out of it. Trashy, yes, but enjoyable.
I went downtown, caught the bus, and rode it around for a little while; then I went to UCC and hung out with some college kids, where I bumped into an old friend who I haven't spoken to in years. There was a girl with him who was extremely cute and laughed at all my jokes.
Afterwards, I went to my old roommate's house, and we took a walk up Clover avenue, down to the end of Vine street, and up a forested hill, and soaked in all the scenery. I ended up spending the night at his apartment, and took the bus home the next day. While I waited to transfer busses, I saw a guy from church. He was going around town collecting donations for the special olympics. He gave me some change so I could walk down to the mini-mart and buy myself a soda. I bought one of those generic fountain energy drinks that just says "Energy." On the way back, I met a guy named Justin at the intersection of Washington and Rose. He stood there with. pipe in his mouth and pulled out a guitar. At first, he played slowly, but then it got really intense. Great music. Told him I had a harmonica and we oughta jam some time.
It was on this trip that I lost my phone. So, I've officially been phone free for a little over a week. It's been enjoyable.
Trip Two
Yesterday, I went with my family, a friend, and his kiddos to see Circus on Ice at the fairgrounds.
The hot dogs and nachos were wildly over-priced; and I think we spent like $70 on food. Rip-off!
Anyways, we didn't really go for the food: we went for the show! And boy, was it a riveting display! They had acrobatics, improv, audience participation, and appearances by Bluey, Elsa (from Frozen), Ariel from the Little Mermaid, and others!
I thought this was just going to be some baby show, so I didn't really wanna go. I decided to join because I wanted to see the look on Zaayden's face, and boy howdy did I wind up having a blast! I danced, and had a bubble launcher war with the kids!
On the way back, I got to pick two songs, and I chose El Bicho and Skokiaan. Dustin had never heard them before, and he said they were (his words) "dope."
When I got home, I played some Culdcept and then passed out after about an hour.
Other Such Things
I have been getting a lot more exercise recently!
So, the town suddenly ends about a road down from the apartment, and there's just greenery from that point onwards. There's a really nice little hill where you can see the whole town from.
Oh, yeah, and I also had a "boy's night out" at the bar with Robert (my brother-in-law) and Dustin. We played some pool and pinball. I'm no good, but I made a couple bank shots, and felt proud of myself. I had a little mental "skill points" graph in my mind that shot up as I played like on Wii Sports.